I made cupcakes for my last class because I thought it would be less time consuming. I was sure wrong about that. My oven decided to turn itself off in the middle of baking and I didn't realize it until much later I just figured they were cooking really slow (just a bottle brunette). Once I got that all worked out I put in the second batch which came out much better. However, icing the damn things was very precarious. I will grant that my icing consistency wasn't right but it was very hard to get that icing to stay on the cupcake and take the cupcake with it. Anyway we learned how to make clowns which I wasn't very excited about but they turned out pretty cute. (The head is plastic)

We also learned how to do these cute flowers which I incorporated onto a cake I made for my friend's birthday last night. Man that was an arduous night too. My first cake bubbled up way to much that after leveling it only left me with about an inch and a half of usable cake so I rushed out and bought another cake mix and another pan and did another cake using two round pans. This allowed me to make a three-layered cake. Then the icing of the cake began. I haven't quite perfected this yet. I don't think I scrape enough icing off and so some hours later it's too heavy to stick to the cake and it bubbles out until I push it back in with a spatula. This one was doing that a lot. The writing was difficult and not what I had planned but it's not too bad and my flowers are pretty cute I think. And I did this one all my own.

I was feeling pretty blah today: could be that I woke up late or could be that the time of the month started today. Actually, I'm not loving my outfit choice but I only had half an hour. I've been wearing black nylons all week: could be that they are warmer or could be that I haven't had time to shave my legs in the last 2 or 5 days. Basically the only skirts I have (you all know that I have to wear skirts to work everyday) that would go with black nylons are black skirts or mostly black skirts, but I felt I had exhausted that avenue and I wanted to try something new. Black and brown go together now. I have seen it done. So I decided to do a black sweater top with dark green collared shirt underneath with a chocolate brown skirt, black nylons and brown shoes. I only had time to evaluate my look for a minute and called it good, oh did I mention my hair is in a bun and I have virtually no make-up on-it's left over from yesterday. I think the brown shoes was overboard but pretty much the whole outfit looks terrible to me. Luckily there is nobody to impress around here (well, there is one single, pretty cute guy here and luckily I haven't seen him all day).
So here is what perked up my day a little: I won shoes from
here and I found another
amazing blog. I've only read a few posts so far but I am already in love. I'm going to read from beginning to end because it is so enjoyable so far. That's only four years of posting. I'm sure I can find the time somewhere. (; Anyway check her out if you are so inclined: warning mostly for singles but I think you married folk will get a kick out of it too.
Still looking for someone who knows how to do a second sidebar. Booklogged where are you?!
The cupcake is darling, the cake is beautiful, your outfit sounds . . . . interesting. :) And yesterday's makeup? Oh, Cassie. Only someone with your complexion could get away with that. Anyway, you crack me up. Such an original. With maybe too much of your mom in you. Congratulations on the shoes.
Your clown is so adorable! And the flowers and cake look fantastic!! I already talked to you about the shoe...that's awesome.
I am taking a break from studying, but I still have hours of studying left to do...if I can hang in there. I may not make it to the play tomorrow, but I'll let you know early tomorrow. If I can't go, you can give my ticket to someone (free of charge). I hope I can make it though.
Cassie I have to say I am very scared of clowns, and your is very good(scared the hell out of me!) I loved the cake. Very beautiful! The past week I haven't felt well at all so it is impressive that you got up, got dressed, and fixed your hair.
Framed, I didn't say I looked good with yesterday's make-up but like I said I don't care about impressing anyone. In fact my hair today is really wild because I didn't really do anything to it.
I checked out your newly discovered blog and I LOVE the title--I may have to start frequenting the site.
Very cute clown and love the pink flowered cake. Congrats on winning the shoes. I'm soooo jealous. They look comfy.
About the 2nd sidebar, I'm going to have to do some investigating. The site where I just recently got the plans for mine is no longer there. I'll get back to you, okay?
I LOVE how the cupcake and cake turned out! Those flowers look really beautiful. Too bad I didn't get to taste test either of them. Oh well.
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