Friday, October 26, 2007

Just Checking In

So either I haven't had much to write about lately or I'm too depressed to write or a little of both. So I'll give you a brief summary of things going on in my life and thoughts.

-Losing weight is not my core desire. If it was then I would do it, nothing stops you from obtaining your core desire. I have no problem getting up and going to McDonalds to get food but I cannot get myself up to go for a walk or whatever. I don't know how you make something your core desire and this fact has depressed me a lot lately because I feel it is out of my hands and there is nothing I can do to lose weight, which I feel will make me feel better about myself and thus build more confidence in myself and more attractive.

-I just bought my very own standing mixer. It's not a Kitchenaid which I would have loved but something cheaper for the time being. I bought it mainly for my cake decorating class but I'm sure it will be handy in other areas as well.

-I have an idea for another cake but I probably won't do it because I don't have the time that I think I would need to do it and I probably don't have the skill set either. I'm still debating because it would be cute if it came out right. I'll post a picture if I do.

-This next one sort of negates the first one but not really. I've started to walk up the stairs in my building at work instead of taking the elevator. I only do three flights pretty much when I go to lunch but I figure every little bit helps. But my food and water intake is still not good. We'll see how this goes. Three flights can still get me breathing heavy. How the heck did I walk up all those stairs in Paris (Arc de Triomphe, up to Sacre Couer and Notre Dame)? Those had hundreds of steps. Yes I was twenty pounds lighter then but still I don't remember being all that fatigued (I'm sure I was but it was worth it.)

-I bought a whole bunch of candy to stick in this glass gallon jar that I bought a while ago and has been sitting empty on my counter. Loralee is not happy with me as she wants to lose weight too. Amazingly, I haven't been that tempted to gorge myself on it but that could be because I have other sources of sweetness.

-My mom's in town this weekend. I'm excited to see her. It's been forever it seems. Did I see her in August? Can't remember. I know it's been at least two months. Of course all she is really excited to see is the baby. I hope I get to see him too. Got to fill my once a month quota.

Well, I guess that is about it. Not very exciting, I know.


julie said...

We don't expect excitement all the time - you aren't James Bond afterall. All we, your readers, want is to hear from you and about you. We love you! So, we'll take everything you give us. Cuz we love you!

Good luck with the losing weight thing. Walking stairs = better than elevator, so that's good! I also feel like I can't lose weight - how do people do it???

Tonya said...

Cassie! I've been thinking about you, but I can't call because I've been studying my arse off to take the boards on Sunday (35 hours. I'm FREAKING out. Earlier today I started laughing, and then crying, and then I almost threw up. It's been intense.) But as soon as I'm done with them, we need to play! It's been to long since I've seen you! Have fun with your mama this weekend (my parents are coming, too...weird).

Alyson said...

Sorry you have been feeling depressed lately. Maybe time with family will help, and maybe the holiday season will cheer you up. It's really late, so I'm a little out of it. I'm sure I'll talk to you tomorrow, and maybe even see you sometime.

Booklogged said...

I've been a bit down in the dumps, too. Who knows why. Such a battle loosing weight. I wish someone would invent the perfect pill and soon!

Is that little nephew coming out for Thanksgiving? I'm excited to see him. Also, hoping you are coming and that you're still planning on making that delicious pumpkin desert you posted about.

Cardine said...

The desire thing is hard for me, too. I mean, I will be sitting there watching a tv show or something, and I know that if I get up and exercise I will feel good about myself and that it's good for me, but then I just sit there watching the tv show. I can't explain it.

My coworker keeps giving me small boxes of Nerds to eat because she knows I really like them. It's so nice of her, but it doesn't help.

Way to go on the stairs!

Framed said...

Stairs instead of elevators. I'm impressed.

I want you to know I was very excited to see you and I spent much more time with you than the baby. Jeez.

I am excited to have you home for Thanksgiving, cake or no cake. I even have a chocolate cream pie. Sorry, it is not low fat. Dang, I'm not helping, am I?

Kaysie Lee said...

So Cassie, right now I'm going the opposite way with the weight thing(trying my hardest to gain so I don't get in trouble when I go in for my next appointment), and I'm not doing so well. So I have a plan that will help both of us. For every lb. you lose, I'll gain one. Sound good?