Friday, October 12, 2007

Oh Lackadaisical Me

Seriously, I have not had any interest in doing anything. Okay, not anything but this blog for one. I have ideas to post about but then I'm like "eh, it doesn't really matter." Even now it seems to be taking a lot of effort for me to type this out. If my arms and fingers were people they would be heaving breaths right now. I have to stop after typing a few words and rest and then start again. But I'll get through it just like I made it to the top of Mt. Timpanogas (heaving all the way).

So new things in the last two weeks don't seem like anything interesting but maybe you are interested. I became Melanie's tennis buddy. We bought rackets and everything. I know, why are we starting this when winter is descending upon us? Well, it's fun. I've wanted someone to play tennis with for a long time. I figured it would be the only enjoyable way for me to get exercise. I've never really played tennis before. The first time I picked up a racket in who knows how many years was just a couple months ago and I was terrible, but I was playing with a regular and he gave me some tips that have really come in handy. Melanie brought up the idea and I jumped on it. We've been twice now and it's really fun. We get a lot of running in (well I do because I force myself to run for the ball) because neither of us can hit the ball straight very often. I really like it. Hopefully, we can get a little more playtime in before it gets too cold. Then maybe we'll find somewhere indoors.

(small break in typing)

Work is hard for me because I can't seem to make myself care all that much about my job. I know I'm not doing my best and I hate that but not enough right now to fix it. Like I said, lackadaisical (I'm finding that I really like that word.)

And sshh, but I haven't taken a shower since Sunday. It takes too much effort. I plan to tonight though or tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

I made cupcakes for my bookclub meeting this week. Mainly for the purpose of using up leftover icing from previous cakes. They turned out pretty cute I think and everyone seemed to like them.

Yesterday was my friend Melanie's birthday. Of course, I offered to make her cake. If you have seen the cover of Country Living, that is the cake I made. It's a chocolate pumpkin cake (made from scratch) with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting and chocolate glaze. It was a little time consuming to make but oh it turned out so good. So moist and yummy.
So how do you think it compares in looks? I think I might make this for Thanksgiving this year.


Alyson said...

The cake looks great! You have my vote for making it for Thanksgiving!!

Tennis sounds fun. I hope you guys can keep it up and that you keep enjoyin it.

Cardine said...

The cake looks SOOOOOO good. Great job! At first I thought your glaze looked thicker, but I think it's the shadows from the photo.

And, I LOVE tennis! Yay!

Framed said...

I can't wait until Thanksgiving. This cake looks and sounds so delicious.

I understand lackadaisical. Maybe tennis will get the blood revved up.

Cassie said...

The glaze was a little thicker. I probably shouldn't have poured it all on at once so maybe next time I'll remember that and it will drizzle down the sides more.

Kaysie Lee said...

Cassie, you amaze me. Even at your most lackadaisical you kick my ass. You made cupcakes for book club, played tennis, and made that beautiful cake from scratch! All I do these days is sleep, and hope that the laundry irons itself. It hasn't happened yet, but maybe someday.

Booklogged said...

I'm glad I'm in your family and will get to taste that cake at Thanksgiving. It's the penultimate autumn cake!

Love that word, too - lackadaisical. Never knew how to spell it, tho.

Myke Weber said...

Be my guest!

julie said...

Mom and I are thinking about going to Vernal for Thanksgiving, so I may actually get to taste this yummy-looking cake! Yeah!!

I also love tennis. I used to play regularly (with Cardine and others) but have found it hard lately to make the time to play. I miss it.

Hmmm. Maybe Cardine and I can get in a few games before it turns too cold.

Cassie said...

Oohh I would love it if you and your mom came for Thanksgiving. Seriously just think about the cake. That alone should convince you to come.