Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wow, it's been crazy busy!

It has been a really long time since I posted, I know. But thanks to RSS feeds you shouldn't have been bothered too much. What? You don't use RSS feeds? Well, you should. Anyway, I have been really busy lately getting ready for Christmas. It amazes me how quickly time goes by when you need to get things done. My room has been in state of disarray since returning from Thanksgiving. It was almost tempting for another round of "See if you can find the object in Cassie's room," but decided against it.

How have I been busy you ask? Well, definitely not taking a cake decorating class. I decided to wait until January as I knew it would stress me out to take time out of my precious Saturdays that I needed to do Christmas shopping. So mainly I have been busy trying to be the perfect daughter, best friend and most generous co-worker that anyone has ever known by procuring the greatest gifts that they have ever seen. Gifts that are thoughtful, heartfelt, perfect for the receiver and very lovely. Well, I'm sad to say that I probably didn't hit the mark but I did the best I could. They range from gift cards to homemade projects. I wasn't very inspired this year as I have been in years past so that it made it difficult and then in order to make whomever I am buying for happy I buy everything on their list (if they have one). I may have gone overboard on some and underboard on others. I'm still looking forward to everyone opening their gifts and giving me the either very genuine or very fake "I love it" smile.

Here are a few pictures that I wanted to post but don't really have too much to say about.

My little sister McKenzie came to visit last month.
Doesn't he just get cuter and cuter?This is the cake I did for Lincoln's baby blessing party.
It's a baby in a carriage. Pretty cute huh?Our little family.


julie said...

Yes, Lincoln is getting cuter and cuter! I love the cake you made for his blessing - you are so amazing! It was fun to talk to you today. My boss kept coming in and whispering "Is that a personal call???". He likes giving me a hard time.

Speaking of, sorry I had to end our IM'ing so quickly yesterday. He wouldn't have minded, but he was coming to the office specifically to talk to me about something, so I didn't want to make him wait.

Hope you're doing well! Love ya!

Framed said...

I think I need a decent bra for Christmas. Other than that, these are darling pictures. Obviously, Lincoln hasn't learned too much about mugging for the camera or he would never have slept through that last shot.

Booklogged said...

I think he wore himself out mugging so exuberantly in the first picture. What an absolute doll!

Cassie, you cake really takes the cake! It's so darn cute.

Are those boobs on the women in the black sweater hanging right on her waist. That's totally discussing. I think the answer for both her and me is heavy duty metal, totally unmovable titslinger invention. I get my first because I need it the worse!

julie said...


Oh, that's funny, Book! Very, very funny!

Alyson said...

I love that last picture of Lincoln...asleep with his tongue sticking out. It's just so cute!! I love the cake as well; very impressive.

P.S. thanks for the cookies this weekend. It was so cute how you arranged them in two little groups. After we ate most of them, I thought, "darn it, I should have taken a picture."

Cassie said...

Your welcome Aly, Thanks for helping out.