Monday, January 21, 2008

Cousins Weekend January 2008

Okay Okay, enough already. I will write about the cousins' weekend. It's not like they are that varied in what we do. There is the usual stay up really late talking about whatever and then sleeping the next morning. Eating at various restaurants intermittent with more talking and usually the climax is going to Laughing Stock. But this one was a little different this time.

As we planned for this get together, it was really mine and Cousin Aly's turn to visit Cousin Julie and far off Cedar City. We had not made the journey for almost a year, but Cousin Aly's schooling always got in the way and it seemed would be the case again this time. Fortunately, Cousin Julie was more than agreeable to coming to visit us as there is more to do in the city. Also, we had a new addition to our party. Cousin Katie, Cousin Aly's youngest sister, was to join us.

Cousin Julie arrived a little after eight o'clock and as I was not expecting the other two of our party to arrive for another hour or so, it gave us a chance to have a wonderful chat just ourselves. Though I held back my questions of a certain gentleman that Cousin Julie has been courting until the other young ladies joined us as I knew they would want to hear all as well. And rightly soon after they had arrived and settled in we pushed our dear cousin to reveal all. It is so nice that at least one of us is in courtship, though it would be even nicer if was me, or all of us, of course. We stayed up until all hours of the night had passed talking and gossiping like silly young girls or even just silly women. At some point in the night we felt a sweet tooth come on and tried to go to a favorite ice cream place but unfortunately we missed its closing, or really we couldn't find it. Okay I couldn't find it. So we went to a local cafe that stays open all night. IHOP. Our server wasn't the best and didn't seem happy to be there but I can understand at that time of night. Then we returned home to more talking. But still when we parted for bed it was much earlier than per our usual visits. Maybe we are getting too old to stay up so late.

The next morning, not being a very gracious hostess, I awoke somewhat later than my guests. Cousin Julie was already in the bath, having to scrounge up her own towel. How mortified I was. Cousin Katie was still asleep, though and was hard to arouse when the time came. We all got ready for the day and talked about what we would like to do. We thought it a good idea to plan out our meals for the rest of the weekend so as not to waste time later. The first stop of the day, though it was well past one o'clock was a lovely place called Ruby Tuesday. We were attended to by a most accomodating server, who somewhat flirted with Cousin Julie, I think. Though that did not stop her from trying to convince me to leave my information on a note for him to find. He was not unattractive, I grant you, but it would not be seemly to behave in such a way. Cousin Jule is so bold. I wish I had that in me as well.

Following lunch, which was very good by the way, we considered taking in a show at the theater. After perusing what was playing however, we found nothing to tempt us to spend our money. Then after a small discussion as we drove through town we decided on the lovely sport of bowling. We were being quite active this time around. I hadn't played the game in well over two years. Cousin Julie was adamant that she was just terrible and that we would all severely defeat her in the game but she was looking forward to the fun anyway. The lanes were all full when we arrived so we put our name on the list and decided while we waited that we would play a few harmless games of arcades. It was quite enjoyable as we earned tickets to win prizes with. I came across one game that I had no idea how it worked but spewed tickets quite regularly.

When my name was called over the speaker for our turn to bowl we picked up the multi-colored bowling shoes and made our way to our lane. Number 22, I believe it was. After some difficulty with the computer system not allowing us to enter our names, which Cousin Katie promptly urged managment to fix, we were ready to go with Cousin Aly leading us off. She did fairly well and as we each took a turn we cheered each other on. Cousin Katie was the first to receive a strike, then Cousin Julie, who got a couple I think, and then myself. Poor Cousin Aly came close but I don't recall her ever getting one but she played tolerably well for the most part. In the end Cousin Julie won despite her boasting of being the worst player. Though we chided and teased her we were all very happy and enjoyed ourselves immensely. We used up the rest of our tokens on the arcades and used our winning tickets to get each other little gifts. We received a water pistol, heart tattoo, and a chinese finger trap. Wonderful mementos for the weekend.

Though it was soon to be dinner time we all were craving something sweet and decided to have our dessert first. We went to Cold Stone and got decadent ice cream. It was so lovely. This was the place that we couldn't find the night before but we were successful this time. Afterwards we only had a short time before we needed to be on our way to dinner if we were to make it to the show on time. We decided on California Pizza Kitchen. I ordered my usual of fresh tomatoes and chesse pizza, while the other girls tried something new. Our server this time was all quite handsome and I made the mistake of saying so to Cousin Julie and so she pushed me to again leave my information for him to find. I considered it and had almost decided to do so when I noticed he had the telltale sign of being married. Oh well. He was still a very good server. We made our way to The Off Broadway Theatre to see a comedy show that has become tradition of our visits together. An improv group called Laughing Stock, I'm sure you have heard us speak of it before. We arrived early enough to chat with the theatre's proprieter who also performs in the show. We gave him some requests and he said he would try to fit it in. He is a very nice man to give consequence to four silly girls.

Our seats were in the front row and though one of our favorite performers wasn't there that night our other one was and he always gives a good show. There were a couple other actors who were also very good indeed. I laughed so hard, that tears ran down my cheeks profusely. I cannot remember the best part because it was all very good. It was sad when it ended. I am already looking forward to the next time. We returned home and stayed up as late as we could but we were pretty exhausted by the day's events and bid goodnight to each other.

The next morning we hurried and readied ourselves to go to lunch. I had church later on in the day so I dressed for that while the other ladies put on their travel clothes. Did the time really go by so fast. We went to a local place called Trio Cafe and had a wonderful brunch. We said our goodbyes discussing when we could get together again. It is always so enjoyable to spend time with these wonderful ladies and I always feel so happy when we are together. We have become fast friends as well as cousins. Until next time.


Cassie said...

So did anyone get annoyed with the Cousin this and Cousin that? I've been watching the PBS Jane Austen series so I had a little 18th century British in me.

Alyson said...

I didn't get fact, I was going to comment about how wonderfully Austen-esque this post was.

Thanks for writing about it. It was fun to read and remember the fun weekend. I can't wait until the next one.

P.S. I think you, me, and Katie should go see Phantom of the OBT when it's showing and Laughing Stock afterward. Of course, Julie is invited as well if she would like to drive up again. :)

Cassie said...

I'm in. Just let me know when. Except opening weekend. I'm busy.

Cardine said...

When I was reading this, I decided to comment that it sounded very Jane Austen.

I noticed a specific restaurant missing from this weekend. It's a certain place that makes hummus. I'm surprised!

julie said...

I was going to comment on how Austen-esque you sounded, too! I found it charming. In fact, thank you for writing up the summary of the weekend; you did such a good job that I think you should blog about them each time. :)

By the way, I bowled on Friday with Jason, Rachel, and Cardine and they killed me! I didn't get a single strike! I TOLD you guys I was bad! That one time was a fluke.

I totally would have left my number for the Ruby Tuesday's waiter if I lived there. Sigh. Oh well.

Framed said...

Maybe you should look into writing sequels to Pride and Prejudice. It's the going thing right now. Amazon recommends them to me regularly and you seem to do it very nicely.

How come I never get to go to California Pizza Kitchen??

Anonymous said...

You know what is sooo funny! Half way through reading this blog, I thought to myself, what is with the lingo, it's like she's Jane Austin. So I decided to leave you a comment, and then to my ammusment I saw that I was not the only one. What a felecity of joy I felt (haha) Anywho (to quote Homer Simpson, my muse) I will continue reading.

Anonymous said...

annoymous is I, Stacey I can't remember how to log in again.sorry