Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wishful Thinking for 2008

I've been thinking a lot about things that I want to accomplish this year. Of course there is the never-changing goal of losing weight. New plan on that is the Slim Fast diet. Haven't seen any results yet (cousin's weekend probably killed that) other than I haven't eaten out as much as I usually do. Last night I was so tempted, but made some chili instead, probably only slightly more healthy but I did save money as well. Which is a good thing because my overdraft protection went into use last night. Pay day really needs to come. I may start to exercise in the spring.

As you will notice from my title, these are not resolutions, as I am not resolved to do them (I'm sure I've mentioned my lack of will power numerous times on this blog). These are just things I wish to do and if they come true then happy times for me. So here we go.

-Improve on skills already learned.
I want to learn a new piece and play it well on both the piano and guitar. Right now I am trying to teach myself "Fur Elise." which some might say is really easy. I have the main melody down, it is just the intermittent part that I am struggling with. I have signed up for the third class in cake decorating which I think will be fun and I want to make a cake at least once a month for practice purposes. More sewing, a sewing project every month. It could be a project that takes a few months but that I give it a good amount of time at least once a month. And of course photography. I may take a community class later this year. We'll see.

-Invite others along to things I normally do by myself.
This mainly has to do with movies. On Saturdays or even weeknight evenings I'll just go see a movie without telling anyone. Sometimes I think it's fun to go by myself, but then most times I just think that no one would want to go, but it would fun to have someone. This went into effect a couple weeks ago when I did a double feature on Saturday to see Atonement and Dan in Real Life. I sent out an email to friends and though some were interested but already had plans. I went to Atonement by myself and then Melanie came to Dan in Real Life with me. I was so glad she did. She and I haven't had a chance to hang out much and it was so much fun. We both loved the movie and then decided to get some dinner at Olive Garden and caught up on whatever was going on in our lives. Then we ran to Target to return some things and then Walmart for grocery shopping. It really can be so fun to do simple things with another person. Then back to her house to watch an Australian sitcom she had gotten for Christmas. It was a really good day. So hopefully this plan will provide more of those.

-Cook More, Eat Out Less.
Obvious exceptions are when family or friends visit. Though I wouldn't mind cooking for them if they wanted. Not only will this hopefully be healthier (okay I bought frozen fries to cook but sparingly) but also save me some money.

-Try again, things that fell by the wayside last year.
Musical nights, we had one last night. They are usually up to Loralee when we have them because she has more of a life then the rest of us. So these maybe sporadic and only monthly but that's okay. Drawing dinners. I do really want to start this again but it will only be monthly this time. I did cook dinner for Loralee, David and our friend Jonathan so I'll count that for January. Better get planning for February. Scripture reading and praying are always goals that I have but can't seem to stick to. I usually read scriptures during Sacrament meeting and at times I feel that that gives me my fix for the week. It may take years but I will finish the Book of Mormon sometime.

-Show Some Restraint When it comes to Spending.
Seriously did I need all three 2008 calendars that go in my office? Well, I am not having one at home. I still will probably buy movies that I really want on their first week of release unless they keep up this farce of not reducing the price on the first week like they usually do. But I really don't need anymore shoes, skirts (except maybe a cute red one) or jackets. Maybe tops, but sparingly and with good reason for use, like for work.

-Take better care of my car.
I tend to drive my car haphazardly, mainly because it is old and I don't care about it other than I don't have a car payment and can save money for a newer, better one someday. But I would like it to last a little longer (maybe another year). And if I start to treat it well, I'll be in practice for my next car. Also, I want to try to ride the bus at least once a week. That hasn't happened yet, but I'm going to really try starting next week.

So I think that's it. My wishful thoughts for 2008. Cross your fingers that they come true.


Cardine said...

I really like this post. I was hoping to read an update about cousins weekend because I want to hear about where you ate. I am obsessed with food and try to live vicariously through you guys and your cool restaurant visits.

I started learning Fur Elise last year. I don't think it's too easy, but maybe I'm just not as talented as you and practice less.

julie said...

I love the idea of you cooking for us when we get together! I bet we'd even pitch in for groceries! Even better: we could go grocery shopping together! I love grocery shopping.

Anyhoo, very nice wishful thinkings. You know, though, they say that a goal not written down is only a wish, so since you wrote down your wishes, they are not goals. :)

Cassie said...

Cardine, if Julie or Alyson don't write about cousins weekend soon then I will. I just hear that most piano players think that Fur Elise is easy. I don't think it is that easy, but maybe once I learn it.

Kaysie Lee said...

You have lots of great stuff here. Things I never would have thought of. You have inspired me to pick a new piece for the violin. I practice all the time, but since we moved I haven't started anything new. I wish I had a piano. Maybe Jeff will buy me one for my birthday. I am also learning some vocal songs to sing to my tummy. Thanks for the ideas!

Framed said...

Great ideas. So what are we having for dinner when I come on on the 7th? I didn't know you had a cousin's weekend.

Alyson said...

These sound like some great wishes.

I wouldn't mind having a home cooked meal when we have cousin's weekends. I was actually thinking before the last one, that if we came to my house I would offer to cook at least one meal. I didn't know if you and Julie would rather eat out, and we didn't come here, so I didn't mention it. It would be a great way for us to save a little money (I spent a lot this weekend). I could make a really nice dinner for four at home for the price of just my meal when we eat out.

Booklogged said...

I've been checking all the cousins to see who was going to tell us about the cousins weekend. No report, yet?
You guys need to come up with a rotating schedule.

Enjoyed reading about your wishes for 2008. Some really good ideas. I've been trying to cook more for the last couple. I think it is definitely better for my health. It helps that Candleman likes to cook and makes delicious meals. Mine are pretty ho-hum in comparison.