With all these thoughts, I decided to say yes and promptly bought my ticket over the phone. Unfortunately seats were filling fast and Tonya and I didn't get seats together but that's okay. She picked me up for a quick and inexpensive (my idea, as I had just dropped a pretty penny for the ballet, I'm cheap and I'm okay with it) lunch at Chili's. It was so fun catching up on work stories and mutual friend stories and whatever else we talked about. It's so easy to talk to Tonya because I don't have to worry about what I'm going to say to please the listener. We've been friends for a long time.
Then we barely made it to the theatre in time to get our tickets and get in the door to find our seats in the dark before they would have made us wait for intermission. The dancing was lovely and the two step-sisters were played by men and were very funny being extremely ungraceful in their movements, falling down several times.

Cons to the performance:
Clapping. I never know when it is okay to clap in ballet performances and there was one time when the prince and cinderella had danced together that they took bows for the audience before the rest of the story continued. I assume that is normal but it did take you out of the play which was a little annoying. I was glad they didn't do it again when they danced together for the second time. Also, people tended to clap when some amazing movements were made by the dancers or great successions of movement like jumps and turns and whatever but again at times it took away from the feeling of the dancing. Luckily it didn't happen too often in the wrong places to cause that much of an annoyance.
In this version of the play, Cinderella's father is still alive but he is seems to be a very weak character because he lets the step-sisters tease him until Cinderella comes to his rescue and then stands by looking sadly on as the sisters then turn their malice onto Cinderella. I did in the beginning sympathize with the step-sisters a little. It would be hard to not be as pretty or as accomplished as a step-sister, constantly overlooked. I don't say that as a good excuse for their behavior but I understand where it comes from.
People walking out of the theatre as the final curtain was coming down and then even more filing out down the aisles during the curtain call. I don't think I had ever seen anything as bad as that before. There is usually a few here and there that do it, anxious to get to their cars and beat the traffic, but this time the aisles were full of people as the rest of us are clapping for dancers as they take their bows. I thought it the rudest thing.
photos taken from BalletWest.org and are by Quinn Farley
So did you enjoy it overall? It does sound very rude that people were leaving during curtain call. I mean, show your appreciation for the performance these people just put on for you!
I never got around to calling you after the movie...sorry about that. It was good. I really enjoyed it and it actually seemed too short. Maybe I'll write a blog post about it.
Oooh the ballet, that sounds "just lovely." I would love to attend a performance sometime. I can't believe peopel were in that big of a hurry to leave. Very rude!
I LOVE ballet. I Love it. I L-O-V-E it! I am jealous of you and happy for you that you got to go to a ballet performance. I bet Cinderella was a fun show. Sigh.
I agree, rushing to leave is rude! I'm always amazed that people will fork over the dough to go to a sporting or cultural event then miss part of it in order to "be the first out of the parking lot". I don't get it.
Sounds like a fun thing to do. Glad you made it in time. I don't think I've ever seen a ballet.
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