Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I Voted!!!

So I voted today. The first time I have voted since the 2000 Presidential election, where I yes, voted for Bush. Gasp! I wasn't even really planning on voting today. Actually, I just hadn't decided. I mean really what do the primaries matter. Yesterday I decided to listen to the most recent debates between the candidates to get a feel. I didn't have too much time and mostly focused on the Democratic ones since that was the way I was leaning this time around, but I got a half hour or so of the Republican debates and didn't really get a feel. So I didn't feel prepared to vote today. I still don't. So I wasn't planning on it but then my roommate asked me if I was and I said I didn't know who I wanted to vote for yet. So in order to get more clarity, like most people do, I went to a movie. Juno, to be exact. Seriously that is the coolest movie. I laughed and cried. It is right up there with Lars and the Real girl. Did I mention that I didn't go to work today. I needed a little "me" time. Which really means that I just couldn't drag myself out of bed and had already made the decision to call in and really it is so hard to talk myself out of doing that especially on a day when it wouldn't matter if I'm there.

But back to voting. So after the movie I headed straight to the voting booth with the constant back and forth going in my head "Democrat or Republican, Democrat or Republican, Democrat or Republican." I knew they were going to ask me this and I didn't have a definite answer. I knew who my favorite candidate was for each party but I just didn't know. I was kind of stressing out. Should I vote Democrat to go against the grain in an overly conservative society or go with my roots, my peeps. That's right I just said peeps. I pulled into the small parking lot and as I was parking, I heard a small thud and looked in my rear view mirror. Some lady had just backed into another ladies car. They got out and the one made her apologies, but that's all I heard because I was on my way in. Maybe I rushed in because the back and forth was still going on as the nice man held the door open for me to enter the school where the voting was taking place. But I knew if I went home, I would not get my lazy butt up again to do it. Seriously, once I'm home you have better have something tempting to get me out of there again.

I walked into the gym where the voting signs on arrows pointed me to go. There were a couple old ladies and a couple old gents sitting at a long table. "What's your name, honey?" (Actually, I don't know if she said, honey, but I can imagine it.) "Mangum, Cassie." Of course they are going to look me up by last name, I like to save people time. But just to make sure she says, "Your last name is Mangum, right." "Yes, I figured that's how you would look me up." I don't think she heard that last part which is kind of good because it kind of came out snotty but I didn't mean for it to. "Sign your name here" And then they did some clarical work or something, assigning numbers and what not and then I was asked the dreaded question, "Do you want Republican ballot or a Democratic ballot?" Oh crap! I still wasn't sure. I stood and thought for a second feeling the pressure. Then I just spit it out. They gave me what looked like a room key card and this old gent guided me over to the new-fangled computer booth. I was a little disappointed to not get to go into an actual booth covered with red, white, and blue fabric. Oh well. I stuck my card into the slot and followed the directions. I touched the screen next to the name and before I knew it, it was over. I had voted. I gave my card back to the voting squad and walked out the door feeling very unsure about my vote. I think I would have felt that way either way. "Why was I so stressed out about this?" I'll tell you why, as I have just had a realization while getting the mail and walking through the door into my house. Who you vote for is just another thing someone can judge you and I hate the feeling of being judged (you'd think that would stop me from judging others but sadly know). I feel the sting sometimes when someone says how awful it is that Bush got elected. I don't much like the guy now, but how was I to know? I voted for him in 2000 and had I voted in 2004, I would have voted for him again. So now I'm just worried that say I vote for the same person in November and that person turns out to be terrible president. I know I don't have to tell people who I voted for (hence the vagueness I am giving you now) but I'll know and I don't think I made an informed decision. So I'm going to really try to inform myself about the candidates that make it through the primaries so when November comes and I cast my vote that I will know that I did all I could to feel good about my decision. And if the person I voted for turns out to be terrible then I will be disappointed in them and not myself.


Kaysie Lee said...

Cassie, I think you'll like this. when Jeff and I moved to Colorado, I decided no more voting, period. I was sick to death of it because, like most democrats my vocie is not heard at all in a red state(and I was tired of getting called for jury duty, 4 times can you even believe). But, as it turns out karma caught up to me. I have be summoned for jury duty on the seventh, and I didn't get to vote today. I agree, it servers me right.

Alyson said...

I think it's wise to get informed before you vote. However, I don't think you should ever feel bad/guilty voting for someone just because people don't like them as president. There will always be those people out there who don't like the president, so just vote for the one you want and who cares what others think about it.

Not to mention, if they are elected, you weren't the only one that made that decision. :)

P.S. I'm proud of you for voting. I didn't vote, but it's too late now.

Framed said...

I didn't vote either. (Hang my head in shame) Of course, I rarely vote in primaries because I refuse to choose a party. Aren't we classified enough as it is? What if I want to vote Rep. this year and Dem next? How about independent? Who designed this system anyway? Wow, that was a fun rant that was totally meaningless. It would lead someone to believe that I am a very political creature. (snicker)
I'm just not very well informed either.

Anonymous said...

Cassie: the sad fact is, whoever you vote for will probably make a lousy president. These days, we're really just picking who will be slightly less lousy.

Framed: the problem is that no one designed the (two-party) system!

Tyler said...

When you live where I live, politics are huge. And yet, I still don't know anything about the candidates. That's okay though because (as people already said) no one is perfect, we are all human, and someone is bound to dislike someone else or something they did. That also doesn't mean that they are completely bad. Bush may have made some wrong decisions, but he is still basically good and made good decisions too (as all presidents, past, present, and future). And (framed) it is okay to vote republican one year and democrat another because it shouldn't matter what your affiliation is as long as you vote for who you think is right or best for the job and your beliefs. Brett and I are both registered voters but not affiliated with any party because we like and dislike things about both parties. Cas, I'm really glad you voted. The primaries matter more than people realize.

julie said...

I'm glad you vote! It makes me feel a little better about not being able to vote yesterday. I worked from 5:30 am 'til just before 5:30 pm then had sign language class from 5:30pm 'til 7:30pm. By then the voting had ended. Sad for me. I even knew for whom I was going to vote!

I don't usually tell people my voting decisions - something I picked up from my parents. Actually, I guess I'm just selective about the people I tell. Not because I don't want them to think I chose "poorly", I just don't think it's anyone else's business. :)

Anyhoo, yeah for voting!!!!

Booklogged said...

Sadly, I agree with Ben - Our choices are not the greatest. I do have a couple people I really don't want to see as Pres. No party lines there.

I do think it's important to vote. Glad you did.

Framed said...

I just gave you an award.

Cardine said...

I voted, too, even though I could have been more educated. I'm not that thrilled about any of the candidates.