It's amazing to me how fast your moods can change. Seriously, you have just had a great time with your friends who were all nice and complimentary to you and then something happens and now you are depressed. The littlest thing that really shouldn't mean anything somehow seeps into your thoughts and emotions creates a sadness. The same thing can be said of being sad and then suddenly made happy but I think that's harder. Of course, you don't have to go into a depression. You can let whatever it was slide and move and on and not let it affect your mood, but that's not really my style. I go the other route and wallow, as you who are constant readers might have guessed. Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy being depressed. I even get a little excited if I think I am going to cry. I don't cry very often. Okay I get teary pretty often, you know at commercials and movies and lines in songs. If you don't get teary-eyed at "She's in Love With the Boy" when the lines "She looks at Tommy like I still look at you." are belted out then you are just a little too unfeeling. But I'm talking about you are really sad type of crying. I really don't do that that much, which is good I guess. But sometimes it reminds me that I do feel things because sometimes I just feel like I am just moving through life completely stagnant. Plus crying just feels good. It is such a release. In fact, I was crying when I started this post, but then my roommate invited me out to see a "Singin in the Rain" that a girl in our ward was in and whole bunch of people were going. I never pass up the theatre, or something similar to it. So I went and now I'm back to my normal way of feeling, just moving through life. A little sad that I don't get to cry, but it's good too. I spent a whole day wallowing and tomorrow I have to go back to work. So I'll just look forward until the next depression hits. Aren't I so weird? It could be soon or not for a few months. Either way, it's all good and healthy I think.
Boy are you all lucky that I went to that play. You were seriously in store for one bitter diatribe, but I think it turned out a little funny there in the end. So you are reprieved for now.
I think you're and Katie both like to cry. I hate to cry; in fact, I try not to cry. It gives me a headache.
I'm not sure if I should say "sorry you were feeling blue and glad you are feeling better"...or "sorry you are feeling better and wish you were still blue". :) Okay, I prefer the first, so that's my official comment.
It depends on the crying I guess. Usually when I cry when I'm depressed it's not hard and so I don't get a headache but there are times when I do and yeah that sucks. I'm glad to be feeling better but the mood may swing back fairly quickly i think.
I cried last weekend, and it made me feel better. Sometimes you've just gotta cry, I guess.
You actually release stress hormones when you cry. So sometimes it's a good thing.
I didn't know you got depressed. I read that when you laugh it releases chemicals that actually make you feel better. Even a fake laugh. (See my comment in your previous post.)So . . . hahahahaha giggle, snort, cackle, heehee, chuckle, HAH! Yeah, I feel good.
I think crying is a great release, but I would rather laugh(I always feel great after a good laugh), and it gives me a wonderful ab workout, even on my most lazy days.
Just so you know, ever since I had a baby, I cry all the time now. It's not far I use to never cry and now I cry at stupid song that channel 4 plays, you know "this is where we live, and there's no place on earth we'd rather be. It's a brand new day and it's beautiful... this is where we live." And I can't even stand the stupid cheese acting down buy the news casters. But for some reason I always feel better when I do. I just saw "Becoming Jane" and it made me cry. Except I wasn't satisfied with the ending even though it was a good ending, I guess I wanted a "happy ending" but I digress. Anyway, Cry it out sista!!
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