So Tuesday night I make the cake. Stayed up a little later than I wanted to but I got a late start as I had gotten my hair done before. I had had the perfect cake in mind for Alyson's birthday since I saw the picture in a book months ago. It would have looked just like the cake in the picture, had I not been stupid and rushing and used frozen raspberries which leaked their juice over everything, but oh well it still looked okay.
The next day I went to work until noon stopped at Zurchers to get some helium balloons and then went home and put some finishing touches on the cake, recorded the song and made the cards that would accompany the cake instructing Alyson to light the candles and then press play on the recorder. I made two actually. One for if she happens to not be home and I get to leave the stuff on the counter and one for if she is home and I leave it outside the door. I was really praying she wouldn't be home when I got there.
After setting everything properly into my car and then filling up with gas I made the drive up to Ogden including the precarious drive westward on 3300 South where the whole road just seems to be covered in pot holes. Every bump I was sure would make the raspberries pop off, but they held strong. When I arrived at Alyson's apartment complex I drove around the other side of her building, in case she might be outside. I sneaked out the other side to get a glimpse to see if her car was there and lo and behold it wasn't!! Yay!! So I parked on the side of the building so she wouldn't see my car and gathered everything up and quickly walked to her door. Who knows how long she would be gone. I got out my secret key. I'm not really sure why I got the key but I've had it for about a year and never told Aly for just such an occasion as this. It worked and I was in. I set everything up to look nice and then went into Katie's old room to hide, hoping she wouldn't be gone too long. After a couple of minutes I decided to peek out the blinds on the window and just as I did I saw Aly pull into her parking spot. Okay this was it.
I stayed out of sight in the corner of the room and as I heard her open the door I even held my breathe a little. I couldn't really hear much for a few minutes but her moving around the living room. Then a small chuckle-maybe she had just read the card. I was worried she would think to call me and I hadn't turned my phone off so I tried ever so quietly to find my phone in my purse but my keys clinked a little. Around this time Aly had come down the hall to her bedroom and looked in the bathroom. I was so mad that she was searching the rooms. The point was for me to jump out after she had played the song. So she poked her head into Katie's room and found me. "You were supposed to do what the card said!" I said. Oh well, like I said it was almost perfect. So I watched her light the candles and we both listened to me sing Happy Birthday. Then we hung out the rest of the day. It was a lot of fun.
Also, this is a baby blanket that I made for Kaysie who is due with her first in April. A little girl to be named Sophia.
And this is showing the leaky raspberry juice that dripped all over the cake.
That cake looks so, so good. So good. Happy birthday to Aly!
Mmmmm, the cake looks wonderful and I'm not a raspberry lover. The whole story is hilarious. I can't believe Alyson went looking for you. Anyway, I'm glad it was fun. Happy Birthday, Alyson.
The quilt is beautiful. Did Kaysie love it?
Yeah she really liked it.
You never fail to amaze me. You made that luscious cake and that darling blanket, too!? I LOVE raspberries - that cake make my mouth water.
The suprise was great...and I'm sorry I came looking for you. But I was still suprised...and very excited that you had gone to all the trouble.
The cake was beautiful and delicious! Thanks again!!
Wow Cassie, That cake is amazing! I know it must have tasted wonderful. I wish I could get my fat little pregnant hands around it! And the blanketI really love it. It now graces the crib. I don't even have crib bedding yet, but the blanket is on display! evertime I walk into the nursery I see it and smile. To quote my mother, "That blanket just screams Baby Sophia!" Thank you!
I'm glad the surprise went sort of like you planned. It sounds like you had the smallest possible window to be there when Aly wasn't, and you were there at that time! Amazing! The cake looks absolutely delicious! I should move up there just so I can eat some of the cakes you make. The blanket looks fab, too. Is there anything you can't do???
Um.... who is the picture of? I'm pretty sure that's not you?
Yeah, who is that?? Just curious.
I swear I took a picture of you with the cake and balloons. I looked through the pics on my camera yesterday and it wasn't there. Did you delete it, or am I just losing my mind?
And what picture are Stacey and Julie referring to?
That cake looks so yummy! AND I love the serving dish and the raspberries all there hanging out in the bottom. You really are an awesome cake decorator.
Aly, we're refering to her profile picture. I'm pretty sure it's not Cassie, but am curious as to who it is. :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that picture. Am I not going to recognize you when you come home this weekend?
Thanks everyone for your kind words. New post which addresses the mystery photo questions.
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