I love watching the Academy Awards, almost all of the awards shows, but not as much as the Oscars. I try to watch it every year. Normally, I've seen most or all of the nominated movies in Best Picture but lately they are getting more and more obscure. When the nominations were announced I hadn't seen any of the Best Picture nominees. So I went to Benjamin Button (not necessarily because it was a nominee, I had just heard good things about it). Tonight after institute, my friend invited me to go see Slumdog Millionaire with her. The same friend who I went to the movie with after institute the last time. I'm not sure if this is going to become a habit, but I could get used to it. It is only playing at the Broadway Theatre, the indie theatre. I have only seen one other movie there so I was excited to go there again.
Oh my gosh it was a bloody great movie!! Sad, suspenseful, romantic and very dramatic. Seriously if you can you should see it because it was wonderful. It's rated R for some reason but I've definitely seen worse in PG-13. I could totally see it winning for Best Picture. So now I have three to go. I probably won't see The Reader because I heard it was pretty boring but I've heard pretty good things about Milk and Frost/Nixon. So isn't The Academy so cool for showcasing these movies that I might not have seen? I'm trying to see more indie and obscure movie but I'm always drawn to the blockbusters and they are usually the ones that most of my friends will go to with me. But I think I will make it my goal this year to see a movie at the Broadway every month. I just barely squeezed in January.
By the way are you watching Masterpiece Theatre on PBS? You should be. They are showing some good things this spring. A repeat of last year's Sense and Sensibility is next, which was good if you didn't catch it, but you can watch a really good version of Wuthering Heights online until Feb. 9.
I haven't seen any of these movies, but I would like to see Slumdog and Benjamin. Glad you enjoyed them both.
Do I get PBS on KUED?
Thanks for the tip. I missed the first half of Sense & Sensibility last year. I'll have to catch it this time.
I didn't see Sense and Sensibility last year, so I'll keep my eyes open. Ever since getting roommates, I don't watch PBS as often as when I lived alone. I rarely have control of the remote. :)
Your review of Slumdog Millionaire helps. If it ever comes here, I'll consider going to it. I happen to quite enjoy Indian movies; at least, the ones I've seen.
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