Friday, January 02, 2009

Grateful for days off

I took today off from work so I could have a four day weekend. I love days off. I don't do much but that is the point. Actually, I just finished cleaning my room. It took pretty much all day but I did it. That could be another resolution: to try to keep my room clean. Will never happen. Anyway, back to the gratitude.

It's so nice to have a job where I can pretty much take off any day I want to as long as I have earned the time. This week I was really glad to have more time to take. It makes it harder to go back to work, but I think after this much time I'm ready to get back.

Sometimes weekends just are not enough. There is always something going on and so sometimes I don't really get to relax and then Sunday there's church and visitations, which can just eat up my whole day. Also, there is a bit of a satisfaction knowing others are at work while I get to play.

This month I'll get another day off for Martin Luther King Jr's birthday and I think president's day in February but after that it's holiday famine until May. But I usually make use of a few mental health days to get me through. I'm gonna try to not do that so often this year. I got into a bad habit.

Days off are fabulous.


Framed said...

I agree. Love taking time off. This working on Saturday is really playing havoc with my days off, though. I have all this PTO but when am I going to work it in.

julie said...

I totally concur! I've never had this much time off except for when I've been unemployed - and then it's hard to totally relax because I know I need a job. It is nice to be off when others are working, and you're right; sometimes the weekend just isn't enough. You're lucky to have a couple holidays in the coming months. At my job, we don't get another holiday until Memorial Day. However, since I'm salaried, I can take off and still get paid. Yeah!!!

Cardine said...

Amen. I am so grateful for days off. And, I am like you... the clean room will never happen probably. But, at least I make progress every so often.