Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grateful for a good movie and good talks

I went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today by myself. It was a rainy day and since everyone else I know has seen it I figured I better go. I went to a matinee thinking it wouldn't be too crowded, luckily I came somewhat early because the theatre was almost full by the time the movie started. Kind of irritating. Anyway the movie was really good. I really liked it and totally cried at the end. I almost always love movies that make me cry. I don't know why because most often it throws me into a depressive state because I equate crying with being sad and it reminds me of why I'm sad and that I should be crying for things in my life. But I still love a good emotionally jarring movie.

I had been trying to get in touch with Julie all day to have a chat but she or I were always in situations where we couldn't talk and promised to call later. So after the movie such an occurence happened so I began to watch t.v. Then Melanie called because she needed to vent about something frustrating her. So I listened and we had a good talk and I decided we needed to go somewhere instead of talking over the phone so I picked her up and we took a drive in the avenues and up behind the capital building and talked. It was really fun. She did a lot of the talking which was fine though there were some things I wanted to get off my chest but the timing never was right. Anyway as I was about to drop Melanie off Julie called so I told her I would call her back after I dropped Mel off. Then Julie and I had a really great talk. I told her about my week and the last couple of nights how I just haven't wanted to be at home. In fact, probably thirty minutes of our conversation I sat parked outside my house in my car while we talked because I didn't want to go in (part of it is because my room is really dirty and I didn't want to be in there). But I was forced to when my phone battery was getting low. I always enjoy talking to Julie because she listens really well and knows all the right questions to ask and then she can tell stories really well. She's one of the easiest people to talk to. I'm so grateful to have so many people to talk to and who like to talk to me. It's so easy to forget all the wonderful people in my life, but really I am so lucky to have so many people that care. Some don't have any. I can't even imagine.


Framed said...

I love how you can always find something every day to be grateful for. I may have to start doing this on my post. See, you're an inspiration. And I'm glad you have so many friends who are so good to you. Just remember that you are good to them also.

julie said...

I really enjoyed our conversation, too! You are one of my all-time favorite people to talk to! I wish we lived closer so we could talk face-to-face more frequently, but since we don't - thank heavens for phones! I hope your weekend improved and that this week is awesome. Love ya! :)

Cardine said...

Yes, Julie is an awesome person to talk with! You are absolutely correct. She keeps me sane when I'm on the verge on insanity.