Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Grateful for visiting teaching

I know, I know. I never thought in a million years that I would ever say that but today it is true. My visiting teaching companion, Tiffanie, has been my partner for about two and half months now. She is awesome. She loves visiting teaching, which she told me when we first went out together. My first thought was "oh no" some kind of molly mormon who is going to drag visiting teaching out all month because that seemed like her plan. But after only spending a few hours with her, I loved her. She is very outgoing (I tend to drift towards those people) and so fun. She was one of the smiling faces I was so happy to see on Sunday and came and gave me a big hug. I'm sure by the end of my raving about her you will just want to throw up because she seems so great. She's one of those people you wish you could hate but you can't because you love them so much.

She always sets up the appointments with the girls. I've always said if it gets set up then I will go but don't depend on me to do it or else it will never get done. We alternate doing the lesson which is a struggle for me because I just don't feel like I have enough insight to give as yet but still these last lessons have really applied in my life so I just share that. Is it bad that I bring it back to me even though it is supposed to be about the girls?

Tiffanie only just moved here a five or six months ago and she pretty much knows everyone in the ward it seems. She told me tonight that she purposely sits by a new person every week in relief society and starts chatting with them (see what I mean). There is kind of a cliche in our ward but not really. Tiffanie is a part of them only because she moved in with one of them. She calls them the "originals." They are all really nice and would never exclude anyone but it's like you feel you need to wait for an invitation before you can join and Tiffanie says they aren't quick to give those just because they don't think about it. The girl we visited is also an "original" and so Tiffanie knows her, but she is really nice and I was pretty comfortable talking to her too. She made sure to get my number so when texts go out when things are happening I'll get one and can join. My own invitation. Not that I really care, I would be so intimidated to go hang out with them only for the fact that I am not a group person and never vy for attention so no one would know I was there anyway so why even bother going. We'll see.

Let's see I'm totally off subject. After we visit the girls we usually have a good talk in the car about our lives and so forth. She opens up to me which is awesome. I'm not quite there yet only for the fact that most of my even closest friends don't know a lot of what I'm feeling these days. Plus I get tired of talking about my poor sad existence anyway, wouldn't you? But anyway I love that she tells me things. She was joking tonight "Cassie you just know all these little secrets about me and I like it." How sweet is that? I think she was totally put in my path for a reason, possibly to get me out of my hermithood. If it wasn't for being paired up with her I don't think that we would be friends really. She would have sat and talked to me one sunday when she saw an empty seat next to me but then that probably would have been it. I really like the girls that we teach too. They are both really nice and friendly. People I would like to be friends with. Also, I read the lessons and think about what to say. Visiting teaching still isn't my favorite thing and the main reason why is the odds that I will have to pray. I hate praying in public. Hate it. Dread it. I never know what to say and I just want it to be over so I ramble off the basic stuff that you should say and short and sweet. Amen. I have only had to pray I think once in the entire time at work devotionals, I did have to pray in relief society a few months ago (funnily enough around the time I stopped going, coincidence?) and at family gatherings I avoid my grandmother's eye as much as possible when she is looking to see who should pray but I think it has fallen on me once but hey at least we got a short prayer that time.

Are these "grateful fors" getting old to any of you already. Especially since I haven't posted anything else about myself. These do give some insight into me I think but I'll try to post at least once a week a non-grateful for post. So there will be two posts that day. Hooray for all of you!


Cardine said...

Wow. Your visiting teaching companion does seem really nice. I wish I could be as friendly as that. And I agree with her. I love visiting teaching. But only if it's short.

julie said...

I'm loving the grateful posts! And yes, you are posting about yourself!

I'm glad you're digging VT and that you have such a lovable companion. I don't like praying in public, either.

Framed said...

I'm still laughing about avoiding Grandma's eyes. You'd better hope she doesn't read this. Besides, family prayers aren't public and she usually tells you just what to pray for. I feel bad that you hate to pray in public. I know it's my fault for not teaching you to pray every day. I was a bad mom. Anyway, no one minds a short prayer.

Cassie said...

You are not a bad mom. Sheesh always making things about you. (: I think you are a fabulous mom and someday you will be listed among the many things I am grateful for. I would talk about you everyday but that might get a little boring for my other readers.