On July 24th, I was invited along to the Cheyenne "Daddy of 'Em All" Rodeo. It was amazing. We had really good seats and saw some amazing cowboys. Cheyenne adds a little more rules than most rodeos so it was a lot tougher for cowboys to get good times. Us four gals had such a good time, checking out the good looking cowboys and enjoying all the events. Best of all my little sis, Breecia, is going to school in Cheyenne so I got to spend a little time with her.Here we are in the car on our way to Cheyenne, which is quite a distance. Clockwise from the front passenger: Melanie, Sarah (Buttars), Me and Carrie driving.

Me and my gorgeous little sister Breecia:

This was right after seeing Kenny Chesney in concert, which was really fun too, but could have been more enjoyable for me if I had known more of his songs. The other gals really liked it and he does put on a good show.

Then the next weekend another group of us headed up to Preston, Idaho to the grand rodeo up there. That one was really a lot of fun and pretty exciting.

Message incoming from God, maybe?

Calf Roping:

There were quite a few cute cowboys in this bunch: (:

1 comment:
What fun! Time with friends doing fun things. How could life be better?
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