Friday, March 02, 2007

Update on Yearly Goals

Well, the month of January seem to go really well. I did most of my exercising that I wanted to do. However, the month of February proved a lot harder mainly because I was so busy. I started taking all these classes that I just couldn't fit in any time to focus on losing weight, taking pictures, scrapbooking or writing in my journal. Which reminds me that I have a deadline for a scrapbook page for an upcoming class. It all is just too much.

In case you were interested and don't already know the classes I have been taking are guitar, piano and hip hop. That is three nights out of the week and only for an hour but then there is travel time and running errands. Plus you just need time to relax a little after work, which usually wasn't a problem when I got home from these classes but then I wouldn't want to do anything else. So everything else has slacked off for the time being. What about the other nights of the week, you ask? Well, those usually get filled up with social engagements. Game nights, girls nights, book club, appointments, concerts and just generally hanging out with friends. I was finding no time to practice either of my instruments.

Well, now March has arrived and most of classes are ending. Of course I could decide to continue on, except for piano which I am on a hiatus from because I think my teacher is swamped as well as I plus she doesn't have anything for me to do to pay her back short of actually paying her. But we haven't discussed that option yet. I was sad for that but she said she would always be there if I wanted to learn something. The next couple of weeks will be a good break and I can decide what to do from there or how to better manage my time.

It's a conundrum because I liked that I was not just sitting at home being boring but I was out making my life more interesting and it really added to my conversations with people but I also missed just relaxing after work and watching t.v. and not constantly rushing from one thing to the next. Any advice?


Framed said...

Don't do away with all your activities. Just limit them a little. After two weeks of relaxing , you'll probably be so bored you can't wait to go out and take another class or two.

Booklogged said...

Good advise from Framed. I would encourage you to keep doing some type of exercise.

Alyson said...

I think you'll miss the busy-ness if you don't have any classes going on at all, but it might be nice to take a short break. I think you should do what you feel like, and don't get too discouraged if you can't fit everything in. I think you're doing great with your goals, even if you're not doing everything, you're still trying and that's the important thing. I hope that made some sense. :)

Cassie said...

Thanks guys. I'm still thinking about it. We'll see.