Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm an avid Collector

I have never been what I would call a music person. I like music but I only listen to it in my car. I rarely think to put something on when doing things around the house. I'm fine with the noise of myself doing things. I don't even have a stereo anymore. The only stereo I've ever had is the one my gave me for Christmas years and years ago that was accompanied by my first c.d's. I love to sing and love to listen to songs I can sing along with. It's too bad that Sing-A-Longs didn't come around until I was in my early teens, because I would have loved them as a child. Okay I loved them as an early teen. Favorite song ever is "The Green with Angry Blues." Almost every time I happened to be at my aunt's house and I remembered they had this gem of a video with this gem of a song, I would rummage through their pile of videos to find the right one. I think I mostly liked it because Professor Mcquack or something sang it so funny and got a little flem caught in his throat which he would comment about it. Or when he would sang this really high note that was out of place and once examined found that it was a fly speck which he hastily swiped away with a "Get off you kooky fly!"

But that is totally off subject. As I was saying, I am not a music person, but I am a music person wannabe. I don't have the energy to be one though. I think music people are so cool. Are maybe wondering at this person what I consider a music person to be? A music person is someone who loves to listen to music all the time doing whatever it is that they do. They go to concerts on a regular basis. Also, they spend time looking for good music and music people are usually semi-picky about their music choices but all of them have their guilty pleasures of disreputable music, but that makes them cool too. They aren't snobby. They realize that some songs are just fun and should be enjoyed for that reason.

I am a collector of music, music that I know music people are listening too. How do I know? Because they posts lists of mixes they have made or their favorite bands or they will mention songs that correspond to a mood that they were in that day (another trait of a music person) and I will subsequently download those songs into my own library. If I'm lucky then I can get onto their itunes or music library of sorts and download somethings. My roommate is a music person and I frequently get music off her library. Now, I have the intentions of listening to all this music and then this in turn will turn me into a music person, but I don't. I like to listen to songs that I can sing along too and I have grown my music collection so large so fast that I don't have time to learn all the words to all the songs as yet and I just keep collecting. So with my Ipod on shuffle I skip so many songs because I don't know them and I am rarely in the mood to just listen to a song. Someday I hope to learn all my nearly 3,000 songs that live in my ipod but for now, at least I would seem like a music person if anyone checked out my library.


Framed said...

I've always considered you a music person. When you learn the words to all those 3000 songs, you can go on the singing bee.

Alyson said...

LOL! I seriously did at the end of the first paragraph. I loved how you had half a paragraph that was off-topic. BTW, it's "Green with Envy Blues". I always loved that sing-a-long the best too!!

I find that if I buy a CD from an artist I like (even if I only know a couple of songs) I usually get to know the song after it just by forgetting hit the skip button a few times. And then, I learn the song after that the same way. Pretty soon, I know the entire CD. That probably doesn't work so well with an iPod on shuffle.

Cassie said...

I thought that maybe it was "Envy" but he talks about the Angry Reds in the song so I thought maybe they mixed it up.

Framed: I started a playlist of all the songs in my library that I don't know in hopes that I will listen to them and get to know them. It actually helped me to realize I didn't really like this one band except for one song so I need to delete them all together.

julie said...

I enjoy music, but not enough to buy it. Seriously, I've only bought a handful of cd's, less tapes (back in the day), and I've downloaded 4 songs ever. I DO have a list of songs I wouldn't mind downloading, but I probably never will. I get bored, you see, so I like listening to the radio - diversity! However, once I do buy a cd, I listen to it over and over and over again. I know, that goes against the statement about becoming bored, but I'm also a creature of habit with conflicting personality traits.

Am rambling, will stop now!

Anonymous said...

You definitely sound like a music person, AND you even play the piano! My whole life I wished I could sing and/or be a great pianist, but when I try singing, everyone looks at me real funny. Haven't noticed anyone looking at you that way!

Booklogged said...

I love that song - Green with Envy Blues. Such fun memories. Candleman and I bought some new CDs on our trip that you're welcome to download onto your iPod. They will really expand your horizons as most are feet-stomping, hand-clapping, sing-along Maritime songs. I'm not much of a music person myself. The only time I can sing along with a song is if I'm alone in the car and even then, the distance between my voice and theirs often makes me cry.

Is that Susan that just commented related to us? If so, how do you rate receiving comments from her?

julie said...

Yes, that was our Susan! She admitted it to me last night! You should feel special, Cassie. When she commented on my blog, she used Anonymous.

Cassie said...

I do feel special. I figured it was "Our Susan" since I know no other Susan who knows that I play the piano. In fact, I really don't know any other Susans period.

Author said...

I have something like 15000 songs on my iPod because I've raided other people's music collections and I haven't gotten around to listening to even 1/3rd of them.... I think I find comfort in just having the music... iut's like music storage... in case there's ever a music emergency....