Thursday, August 23, 2007

Invited into a World Unknown

Last night I attended my sister-in-law Stacey's baby shower. The hostess put on a very simple casual and easy-going party. There was just one game and then we had little subs with fruit and mini eclairs. It was all so good. It was being hosted by her best friend who interestingly enough I went to high school with. But the really interesting part of the evening was that I was the only single, non-mother in attendance (and they were all around my age). So there was some awkwardness to get over other than the fact that other than Stacey and my school mate, I didn't know anyone else. That was okay though. After chatting with the guest of honor, I was happy to just sit back and listen to the mommies talk. I heard a lot about nursing, mishaps, huge babies, little bits of labor stories (epidural or no epidural) and possible reconstructive surgery once all kid bearing was done. Some words that were used in conversation were uterus, thingies, and hooter hider. It was fascinating!

I did have a good time. I love to hang out with Stacey. She got some lovely presents, especially from me. I got her a diaper bag with baby stuff in it. I was worried she would already have a diaper bag (but who wants just one) or maybe she wouldn't like this one but on the contrary (I love that phrase) She didn't have one and she loved it. Also she pointed out that it was unisex so my brother won't have to carry around a girly diaper bag, I didn't even think about that. I'm just so good at gift giving. I meet needs I didn't even know were there.


Booklogged said...

So who is Stacey's best friend that you went to school with? I wanted to see a picture of the diaper bag.

Alyson said...

I'm glad you had fun at the party, and I'm glad that your present was a hit. It always feels good to give a present that someone loves.

Cassie said...

booklogged: if you look at the fourth picture in the previous post at the top you can see the bag.

Tonya said...

What the hell is a hooter hider?

Framed said...

Tonya, exactly.

Cassie said...
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Cassie said...

It's an apron like thing that hides "yourself" when breast feeding. It's supposedly better than just a blanket. I don't think that's its official name or anything.

Kaysie Lee said...

Oh Cassie, I know what you mean. The world of mommies is a very mysterious thing. I don't understand it yet, but I must say I'm intrigued. Lately everyone I know is pushing me in that general direction. In fact just yesterday my mother-in-law, and sister-in-law tried to push me into a Motherhood clothing store in hopes that I would catch pregnant!

Anonymous said...

Hi this is Stacey, Yes the guest of honor at the baby shower. Cassie is very good at gift giving because I do love my diaper bag. So remember that the next time you have a party. As far as mommy talk I use to be there, even as a married woman, if you don't have kids you have nooooo idea what's going on. ok I still have no idea what's going on. I walk down the isle at the store that has 20 choices of diapers, 100 choices of bottle nipples, (am I suppose to try those on to see which is most like mine?????) and stuf called BUTT PASTE! What! I start hyperventalating and run over to home decor section where I feel more at ease.
Anyway, Thanks Cassie for the nice words and God Bless Hooter Hiders.

Framed said...

Don't worry, Stacey. I think unless you've had kids in the last five years, you still don't know what is going on. Is the butt paste for the mommy's stretch marks or the baby's diaper rash?? Isn't being a parent confusing enough?

Anonymous said...

Hello Cassie, this is the hotess, I mean hostess, whatever Jesenia, I did not know that you were a chef please come and cook for Stacey and me, we will buy everything your heart desires. Got love those hooter hiders!!

Cassie said...

I would love to cook for you anytime.