Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Wedding Cake process

So I decided to do another practice cake this last weekend. It came out much better only I rolled the fondant too thin so it cracked in several places so I know better not to do that. I just did some random decoration on it to just be done with it.

Also, this weekend I started cutting out the stencils from fondant. I got six of them cut out in three hours. I was freaking out, thinking I have to make 40 more of these.

So I decided to go to the wonderful internet to see if there was a cookie cutter or something that would be faster. At first nothing was coming up. But then the light at the end of the tunnel. I googled for stencils and it brought me to this website. It has the picture of the cake that was Loralee's inspiration for hers, so I figured I was getting warm. And then it directed me to a video of how they did it. Hooray!! So I checked it out. How could I have been so stupid? It's so easy so simple. It's a stencil, you are supposed to use it like one you would use in painting just with icing. Check out the video here. I did a quick test and I think it will be great, I'll just use different icing but I'm so glad I don't have to cut those out.

Then on Sunday I baked all the cake pieces for the top two tiers and they are freezing in Loralee's freezer. I'll get them all decorated on Friday.


julie said...

Oh my - that looks tons easier than cutting out the stencils! I would never have guessed that you could do that, though! Thank heavens you won't have to worry about getting them cut out in time.

So excited to see the finished product!

Framed said...

I can't wait to see the finished product.