Saturday, October 04, 2008

It's Just a Slight Slump, That's All

So nothing to really post about other than my usual semi-annual depression. I wouldn't even call it a depression, just feeling more comfortable not doing things. I go to work, I come home and watch t.v and then go to bed. On the weekends I've been calling Melanie to see what she is up to and she's usually doing the same thing. So we sit and watch t.v. together. Actually, last weekend, I did absolutely nothing. I really needed to clean my room, but there was just no motivation. I did laundry but it took quite a few days before I put it away. Now, little by little, my room is getting picked up. It's my turn to clean the bathroom but I think I'll leave that for tomorrow.

It could just be that I am finally slowing down from a very hectic summer and this is my recovery. There is some sadness, but not overwhelming or unusual. I think that maybe Loralee getting married and moving out is finally hitting. I didn't really have time to process it when it happened. Which I'm glad for and I'm pretty okay with it though my living situation is very different and I'm not sure for the better. I'm constantly comtemplating moving out, but waiting and seeing how things go or if I could afford my own place. I don't know. I don't think anything will happen for a couple of months at least. Time is going by so fast these days I can wait for that.

Work is really irritating. I find myself constantly complaining about my boss and how he treats the people that are under him. It's not mean or disrespectful, he is just micro-managing which disrupts our work flow. Everyone is unhappy about it. I really like the people I work with and I hate seeing them unhappy in their jobs especially if they talk about leaving. I try to tell myself to quit looking at the negative but it is really hard. I'm probably gonna get myself into trouble one of these days if I don't keep my mouth shut but I hate that I work in an environment where I feel that way.

On a slightly more positive note, I've decided to drastically reduce my fast food intake. I bought a scale, because I think the absence of one was really hurting me. The scale usually checks me if I get too far beyond a point and I'm so far beyond that something needs to change. So I am on day 5 with no fast food. I have given myself one free day a week, which is today actually. Hooray!! Because my headache is killing me. I'm still not eating the best, because I eat cafeteria food at work for lunch and sometimes it's hard to check myself on what I get. I really like their fries. But I'm trying. Less fast food means less diet coke but not as much. I still have maybe one can or bottle every other day or so. Then for dinner I have a lean cuisine or I have stuff to make food. I'm gonna really try to do this for at least a month and hope I get some positive feedback meaning lose weight but I'm not holding my breath to that. I'll still try even if I haven't really lost anything after a month but I don't know how high my motivation will be.

I do have a lot of things coming up to look forward to that should bring me out of this slump. Me and eleven of my friends are going to see Into the Woods at Hale Center Theatre at the end of this month, which I set up. Should be really fun. Some of us talked about going to see the dance Thriller sometime too. I'm going to Las Vegas this weekend for Melanie's 30th birthday so nothing to be alarmed about.


Kaysie Lee said...

I think it is the time of year. For me this is when I start to look back and say good year? bad year? If it has been a bad year, I tell myself that I still have time to change it. This year has been the best ever! That being said, there are still things I would like to work on. Spunds like you have some fun things planned. Have a great time.

Kaysie Lee said...

oops typo. That should be sounds.

Framed said...

I'm so impressed that even when you are feeling a little down, you find things to work on. It's funny that I am feeling so many of the same things, but not having nearly as positive a reaction to them. I just sit, read, blog and watch TV. And EAT!! I agree that you should be careful what you say at work. It's funny how things get back to the boss.

julie said...

I totally could have been the author of this post up until a couple weeks ago! Similar issues, attitudes, feelings - especially at work!

I'm glad we chatted last night and am sorry I kept you up so late. I hope you aren't too mega tired today!

The only good thing about a slump is when you come out of it. Everything seems brighter and better. I'm hoping that your slump ends soon!

Love ya!