Thursday, December 30, 2010

Homemade Christmas Presents

Okay, so here are the presents I made for my friends and family. There is always a moment when I think well it's not that great, but I'm too tired to care anymore. As I look at these pictures, though, I think most of them turned out pretty good. Thanks to the blog world for all the wonderful tutorials that I used to create these presents.

For Lincoln (my nephew): Felt Mr. Potato Head & Beanie

Everything is stuck on with velcro with some extra pieces to make a Mrs. Potato Head.

I made this out of an old sweater. It my be a little small, but I think it can be stretched out. It was a lot easier to make than I thought.

For my friend Carrie: Dinner magnets, weekly grocery list and tablecloth

When I visited my friend and her husband's apartment I noticed that they planned their meals out weekly and then when I saw this idea, I thought it was perfect. I asked her husband to give me a list of the meals they made regularly and created the magnets and used a template for the days of the week and title.

Another blog provided the grocery list. I printed out 26 pages with two lists per page cut them out so there was one list per week for a whole year.

From yet another blog, I saw a cute round tablecloth made by sewing Ikea dishtowels together (they were actually these same towels). I bought an extra pack in order to make a rectangle one. I loved this gift package and I think this is as close as I could get this year to the perfect gift.

For various friends: Felt Dahila Pins

I loved this pin when I saw it on a blog and thought it would be cute to give my friends. When I first started it seemed impossible for them to turn out cute, but with a little adjusting and perseverance they came out gorgeous. I kept one for myself and I love wearing it. I still have tons of felt left over so I might make more.

For my sisters: Messenger bag and purse

I made this messenger bag for sister McKenzie. It has small loops on the sides to go over stroller handles and then one of the loops unsnaps to make the shoulder strap.

This purse was for my sister Breecia. I used fabric I already had in my stash and just had to buy the handles. It's not perfect but still turned out pretty cute.

Now I take credit for the effort, but I never could have come up with how to do these things without blogs. Seriously, I love them. I have tons of cool crafts I can't wait to make.


Framed said...

The Mr Potato Head was darling and Lincoln loved it. The rest look just as wonderful. I wish I was organized enough to do the weekly menu, but, alas, that is not the case.

Tonya said...

You. Are. AMAZING!! I love seeing your projects!! And I miss you like crazy!

julie said...

Oh what great presents! You did great! I'm sure the receivers of these presents were thrilled with them. You are a gifted gift giver. (I'm quite proud of that bit, thank you.) I love the idea of dinner magnets! Maybe one day I'll have you teach me how to make them.

Loralee said...

Wonderful job, as usual! All the presents turned out great! I think I am going to start making presents now for next Christmas just so I can keep up with you.