Friday, January 28, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Since January is a very busy very stressful time for me, there is no way I could stick to any sort of goal so I decided to put mine off until February. This time I'm gonna be a more specific on how I'll accomplish them. Then maybe it will make it easier for me to actually do it. So here they are:

Lose Weight: Might as well get this one out of the way. It's always on the list. So to start off these are the steps I'm going to take. First off I must use the stairs at work at all times, even walking up from the parking lot to the third floor. Then I need to do at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. I really need to cook more. My friend Melanie and I have started to cook dinner for each other two nights a week. So I can only eat out on the weekends. I do go out to lunch with a group of guys at work twice a week so I'll still do that, but if possible I need to eat something somewhat healthy or a smaller portion size.

Learn to Crochet: I learned how to do basic crocheting a long time ago, but I've pretty much forgotten. I really want to learn how to make a really pretty afghan.

Be better with Money: I plan to save at least $500 a month. I just got a raise so this should be totally doable and once I cut my eating out down I should be able to save more.

Traveling: Last year was the year of no travel (such as a long trip somewhere out of state) which was okay because 2009 I went on so many trips. This year, I think I would like to focus on the United States. My friends and I are discussing a trip to New Mexico and perhaps a trip to Seattle and Vancouver. I would love to go to Vancouver. I also may go to West Virginia with my mom to visit our family there and go to Washington D.C. I have friends in Oregon and Pennsylvania so there are lots of possibilities. I just gotta make some of them happen.

Bedtime Routine: So in order for me to be able to climb the stairs at work in the morning, I've got to get up earlier and leave a lot earlier. So at 10 o'clock each night I need to start getting ready for bed. Quick shower, brush my teeth, floss, wash my face and try to be in bed by 11 and read until 11:30 and then wake up and get up at 6:30. This one will be hard because I can usually stay up really late every night, but I really want to start waking up earlier.

Spiritual Improvements: Lately, church attendance isn't high on my priority, but I know it should be. I've mainly just been going to Sacrament meeting and then skip the rest. So my goal is to attend full church at least three times a month and try to really focus on the lessons. Also, I need to start praying. I'm gonna start out small and try praying at least three times a week.

Well, there they are. Nothing too exciting and nothing too new, but things that have been in my head for a long time.


Framed said...

Great goals. Let's get that trip planned so I can schedule my time off. Call me.

julie said...

I think they are awesome goals. Will our going out interfere with the eating out goal? I like that your goals are things that are achievable if you make small(ish) changes in your life. Nothing like "become a totally different person". Good luck!